January 23, 2025

I have been praying about how to address this. Please understand that my response is directed to the church in America and not to any political leader.

I am shocked and dismayed by the response of the evangelical church, which has characterized a sermon on mercy and a plea for mercy as a political attack. I feel deep pain for my siblings who see this communication and use it to assess the state of all churches during this time.

There are vulnerable communities that were addressed in the sermon, with nothing more than a request to extend inclusive mercy to all people.

I will not address the political response but will focus on the response from our sibling churches. In the ministry of Jesus Christ, He shared and displayed one simple message: all are sacred. He advocated for the disenfranchised in a manner that challenged those in power to care for all those entrusted to them.

For those siblings in our world who are questioning the response of “The Church” at this time, amidst many reactionary responses, I want to reach out.

To our siblings who are fearful, those referenced in this sermon on mercy, please know that you are cared for by churches and you are loved.

To those who perceive a message of mercy as an attack, I would like to engage in conversation with you. I want to address our concerns, both for and against this message, in order to find common ground. It is only through conversation that we can find peace.


Rev. M. Andrew Davis (He/Him/His)
Temecula United Methodist Church

Email: pastordrewdavis@gmail.com   


Welcome! We are an open, inclusive, affirming, and reconciling congregation. All who seek to participate in worship, education, fellowship, ministry and mission, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, age, marital status, gender, sexual identity/expression, physical or mental ability— anyone who comes to me, I will never drive away. John 6:37. This is a place where you will find welcome, support, comfort, and strength for your life. We offer marriage, funeral, and baptism services for everyone!We hope you can join the Temecula United Methodist Church for worship in person on Sundays at 10 AM, with Children's Sunday School at the same time in room 2. Adult Sunday School is at 9:00 AM in room 6. You can watch our recorded services by 1:00 PM on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/temeculaunitedmethodistchurch or by 1:00 PM on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TemeculaUnitedMethodistChurch/. "Praise and Prayer Gathering" and "2Gether" meet every first Saturday of the month. WE LOOK FORWARD TO WELCOMING YOU!

 If you have need for prayers or a Pastoral Call, contact Pastor Drew 951-676-1800 ext. 2 or pastordrewdavis@gmail.com

To continue to support our church ministry and mission, please Click Here to Make A Donation, download the Vanco Mobile app on your phone (put Temecula United Methodist Church in appropriate box) or mail to Temecula United Methodist Church, 42690 Margarita Rd., Temecula, CA 92592. Your Generosity supports our ministries and mission during this trying time. Watch for Further Updates

CHURCH'S EMAIL ADDRESS: temeculaumc.secretary@gmail.com. Our Administrative Secretary is Adriana Zarate, 951-676-1800 ext. 1

Thought for the Day:  "O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the LORD. We bless you from the house of the LORD. O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever." Psalm 118:1-2, 26, 29

Let Your Faith be Bigger Than Your Fear!

May you find Joy and Peace today!

Traditional Service
Sundays @ 10:00am in person
Recorded and available by noon
Sunday School
Sundays @ 9:00am
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42690 Margarita Road
Temecula, CA 92592
PH: 951.676.1800 Get Directions
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Temecula United Methodist Church
42690 Margarita Road, Temecula, CA 92592



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